論文 |
No. | 論文タイトル, 著者, 誌名(出版物名), 巻( 号), 開始ページ- 終了ページ, 出版年月(日), DOI, URL
1 | Analog of the Carnot engine for fluctuating diffusivity in living cells, Yuichi Itto, arXiv:2501.03452, , , 2025年01月, ,
2 | Conditional entropy and weak fluctuation correlation in nonequilibrium complex systems, Yuichi Itto, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2701, 012083- , 2024年02月, ,
3 | Conditional Entropic Approach to Nonequilibrium Complex Systems with Weak Fluctuation Correlation, Yuichi Itto, Entropy , 25, 556- , 2023年03月, ,
4 | Weak correlation between fluctuations in protein diffusion inside bacteria, Yuichi Itto, Christian Beck, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2090, 012168- , 2021年12月, ,
5 | Fluctuating Diffusivity of RNA-Protein Particles: Analogy with Thermodynamics, Yuichi Itto, Entropy, 23, 333- , 2021年03月08日, ,
6 | Superstatistical modelling of protein diffusion dynamics in bacteria, Yuichi Itto, Christian Beck, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 18, 20200927- , 2021年03月03日, ,
7 | Entropy production rate of diffusivity fluctuations under diffusing diffusivity equation, Yuichi Itto, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1391, 012054- , 2019年12月, ,
8 | Time evolution of entropy associated with diffusivity fluctuations: diffusing diffusivity approach, Yuichi Itto, The European Physical Journal B, 92, 164- , 2019年08月, ,
9 | Sojourn-time distribution of virus capsid in interchromatin corrals of a cell nucleus, Yuichi Itto, Jens B. Bosse, Acta Physica Polonica B, 49, 1941- 1948, 2018年11月, ,
10 | On the deviation of statistical diffusion-exponent fluctuation from Poisson-like distribution, Yuichi Itto, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1035, 012004- , 2018年05月, ,
11 | Gaussian fluctuation of the diffusion exponent of virus capsid in a living cell nucleus, Yuichi Itto, Physics Letters A, 382, 1238- 1241, 2018年05月, ,
12 | Diffusion theory for the infection pathway of virus in a living cell, Yuichi Itto, The Open Conference Proceedings Journal, 9, 1- 7, 2018年02月, ,
13 | Virus Infection Pathway in Living Cell: Anomalous Diffusion, Exponent Fluctuations, and Time-Scale Separation, Yuichi Itto, eBook series entitled "Frontiers in Anti-Infective Drug Discovery" (Invited Chapter), 5, 3- 22, 2017年, ,
14 | Deviation of the statistical fluctuation in heterogeneous anomalous diffusion, Yuichi Itto, Physica A, 462, 522- 526, 2016年11月, ,
15 | Anomalous diffusion with heterogeneity in view of superstatistics, Yuichi Itto, diffusion-fundamentals.org, 24, 26- , 2015年08月, ,
16 | Heterogeneous anomalous diffusion in view of superstatistics, Yuichi Itto, Physics Letters A, 378, 3037- 3040, 2014年08月, ,
17 | Heterogeneous anomalous diffusion of a virus in the cytoplasm of a living cell, Yuichi Itto, Journal of Biological Physics, 38, 673- 679, 2012年09月, ,
18 | On the geodesic nature of Wegner’s flow, Yuichi Itto, Sumiyoshi Abe, Foundations of Physics, 42, 377- 387, 2012年03月, ,
19 | Geodesic evolution of quantum state in the method of flow equations, Yuichi Itto, Physica Scripta, 2010( T140), 014024- , 2010年09月, ,
20 | Statistical quantum operation, Sumiyoshi Abe, Yuichi Itto, Mamoru, Matsunaga, Modern Physics Letters B, 24, 2015- 2020, 2010年07月, ,
21 | On Noether’s theorem for the invariant of the time-dependent harmonic oscillator, Sumiyoshi Abe, Yuichi Itto, Mamoru Matsunaga , European Journal of Physics, 30, 1337- 1343, 2009年09月, ,
22 | Stationary photon-atom entanglement and flow equation, Yuichi Itto, Sumiyoshi Abe, Physica A, 387, 1063- 1070, 2008年02月, ,
講演・口頭発表等 |
No. | 講演・口頭発表タイトル, 講演者, 会議名, 開催地, 発表年月日, 主催者,
1 | Conditional approach to weak fluctuation correlation in nonequilibrium complex systems, Yuichi Itto, 37th Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics, Kraków, Poland (Talk), , 2024年09月, ,
2 | Fluctuations in nonequilibrium complex systems: conditional entropy and weak correlation, Yuichi Itto, DPG Spring Meeting 2024, Berlin, Germany (Talk), 2024年03月, ,
3 | Conditional entropy and weak fluctuation correlation in nonequilibrium complex systems, Yuichi Itto, 12th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia (Virtual Presentation), 2023年08月, ,
4 | Superstatistics of protein diffusion dynamics in bacteria, Yuichi Itto, DPG Meeting Regensburg 2022, Regensburg, Germany (Contributed Talk), 2022年09月, ,
5 | Weak correlation between fluctuations in protein diffusion inside bacteria, Yuichi Itto, Christian Beck, 10th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences, Virtual, on-line Conference (Oral Session Talk), 2021年09月, ,
6 | Introduction to Flow Equations for Hamiltonians, Yuichi Itto, ICP-Kolloquium, Stuttgart, Germany (Invited Talk), 2020年10月, ,
7 | Analogy of fluctuating diffusivity of RNA-protein particles to thermodynamics, Yuichi Itto, 45th Conference of the Middle European Cooperation in Statistical Physics, online (Contributed Talk), 2020年09月, ,
8 | Diffusing diffusivity of RNA-protein particles, Yuichi Itto, 6th International Workshop on Statistical Physics and Mathematics for Complex Systems (SPMCS2020), Xiamen, China (Invited Talk), 2020年01月, ,
9 | Virus capsids and memory, Yuichi Itto, 4th Global Conference on Virology & Vaccines , Osaka, Japan (Invited Session Talk), 2019年10月, ,
10 | Entropy production rate of diffusivity fluctuations of RNA-protein particles, Yuichi Itto, Dynamics Days Europe 2019, Rostock, Germany (Contributed Talk), 2019年09月, ,
11 | Entropy production rate of diffusivity fluctuations under diffusing diffusivity equation, Yuichi Itto, 8th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia (Contributed Talk), 2019年08月, ,
12 | Possible non-Markovian nature of diffusive process of virus capsid, Yuichi Itto, Jens B. Bosse, Dynamics Days Europe 2018, Loughborough, UK (Contributed Talk), 2018年09月, ,
13 | Diffusive process of virus capsid: A possible non-Markovianity, Yuichi Itto, Jens B. Bosse, Physical approaches to understanding microbial life, Gif-sur-Yvette, France (Selected Talk), 2018年08月, ,
14 | Virus capsid, diffusion exponent, and Gaussian fluctuation, Yuichi Itto, 30th Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics: On the Uniformity of Laws of Nature, Kraków, Poland, 2017年09月, ,
15 | Diffusion Exponent of Virus Capsid in Cell Nucleus, Yuichi Itto, 3rd Global Summit on Virology and Vaccines, Barcelona, Spain (Invited Session Lecture), 2017年08月, ,
16 | Diffusion Exponent in Virus Infection Pathway: Fluctuations and Deviation, Yuichi Itto, BIT’s 15th Annual Congress of International Drug Discovery Science and Technology-Japan 2017, Osaka, Japan (Invited Session Lecture), 2017年07月, ,
17 | Anomalous-Diffusion Exponent: Fluctuations and Deviation, Yuichi Itto, Meeting on Nonequilibrium thermodynamics and statistical physics: From rational modeling to its applications, Fukuoka, Japan, 2017年03月, ,
18 | Infection Pathway of Virus in Living Cell in View of Diffusion Theory, Yuichi Itto, Drug Discovery & Therapy World Congress 2016, Boston, USA (Invited Session Lecture), 2016年08月, ,
19 | Generalized fractional kinetics and superstatistics, Yuichi Itto, 4th workshop on Molecular and Chemical Kinetics, Berlin, Germany, 2015年09月, ,
20 | Anomalous diffusion with heterogeneity in view of superstatistics, Yuichi Itto, Diffusion Fundamentals VI - Diffusive Spreading in Nature, Technology and Society, Dresden, Germany, 2015年08月, ,
21 | Fluctuations of the Anomalous-Diffusion Exponent, Yuichi Itto, School/Workshop on Fluctuations, Slow Dynamics and Internal Time in Complex Critical Systems, Kurashiki, Japan (Invited Lecture), 2015年03月, ,
22 | Entropy associated with heterogeneous structure of cytoplasm of a living cell, Yuichi Itto, Physics meets Biology, Oxford, UK, 2012年09月, ,
23 | Maximum-entropy-principle approach to heterogeneous structure of cytoplasm of a living cell, Yuichi Itto, EMBO Conference Series: Morphogenesis and Dynamics of Multicellular Systems, Heidelberg, Germany, 2012年09月, ,
24 | The infection pathway of virus, anomalous diffusion, and fluctuations, Yuichi Itto, Physics Meets Biology 2010, Oxford, UK, 2010年09月, ,
25 | When is Wegner’s flow geodesic?, Yuichi Itto, Sumiyoshi Abe, The 16th Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics, Turku, Finland (Contributed Talk), 2009年05月, ,