Published Papers |
No. | Title, Author, Journal, Vol( No), Start Page- End Page, Date of publication, DOI, URL
1 | Deep learning-based detection of roadside vegetation: how vegetation indices boost performance, Yoshiyuki Yamamoto, Intelligence, Informatics and Infrastructure, 5( 2), 45- 56, Nov. 2024,,
2 | Time Correction of Video by GNSS Using Reciprocating Motion, YAMAMOTO Yoshiyuki, Journal of the Institute of Positioning, Navigation and Timing of Japan, 14( 3), 15- 25, May. 2023,,
3 | Uncertainty evaluation and proposals for performance improvement methodologies in image generation of landslide mass by deep learning models, , , 61( 6), 368- 386, Dec. 2022,,
4 | Usefulness of 3D Printed Terrain Models for Disaster Mitigation Education: A Case study for determining the Relationship between Disasters and Terrains, , , 2( 1), 79- 90, Sep. 2021, ,
5 | A Visualization Method of Point Cloud Based Geological Information, , , 27, 87- 98, Jul. 2016, ,
6 | The Application of the Calculation of the Centroid of Land Uses for Collective Relocation Promotion on Tsunami Disaster Prevention, , , 26, 45- 53, Jun. 2015, ,
7 | Point Cloud Data Analysis of Asphalt Pavement : Geometrical Evaluation for Healthy and Damaged Pavements, Yoshiyuki Yamamoto, , 25, 65- 74, Jun. 2014, ,
8 | A Methodological Approach for Determining Buildings Appropriate for Evacuation after a Tsunami Using LiDAR Data, ASAKA Tomohito, IWASHITA Keishi, KUDOU Katsuteru, AOYAMA Sadayoshi, YAMAMOTO Yoshiyuki, Journal of The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 33( 1), 1- 12, Jan. 2013, 10.11440/rssj.33.1,
9 | Monitoring of cracks in asphalt pavement using laser scanners and cameras of mobile mapping system, Yoshiyuki Yamamoto,Eiji Nakamura,Masayuki Okugawa,Tomohito Asaka,Keishi Iwashita, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Annual Conference, ASPRS 2013, , 798- 804, 2013, ,
10 | ALOS/AVNIR2 band reflectance characteristics of buildings in land use zones - A case study of Nagoya city, Yoshiyuki Yamamoto,Yukihiro Suzuoki,Tomohito Asaka,Sadayoshi Aoyama,Keishi Iwashita,Katsuteru Kudou, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Annual Conference 2012, ASPRS 2012, , 570- 577, 2012, ,
11 | Experimental Evaluation of Digital Surface Model Generated from ALOS/PRISM: the Usage of VRS RTK-GPS Survey Tools, Tomohito ASAKA, Keishi IWASHITA, Katsuteru KUDOU, Hisao FUJII, Yoshiyuki YAMAMOTO, , 96, 1- 15, Apr. 2011, ,
12 | Applied Satellite Remote Sensing to Runoff Analysis. Through the effective depth of soil layer., YAMAMOTO Yoshiyuki, KONDOH Tsutomu, KIDA Tetsukazu, NISHIKAWA Hajime, Journal of The Remote Sensing Society of Japan, 22( 1), 12- 21, Mar. 2002, 10.11440/rssj1981.22.12,