Published Papers |
No. | Title, Author, Journal, Vol( No), Start Page- End Page, Date of publication, DOI, URL
1 | A Study on Short-Circuit-Ratio for an Inverter-Based Resource with Power-Voltage Curves, Y. Yamada, A. Tsusaka, T. Nanahara, K. Yukita, Transactions on Power Systems, 39( 4), 6076- 6086, Jul. 2024, 10.1109/TPWRS.2023.3347574,
2 | Power Factor Control for Inverters under High Penetration of Distributed Generation -- Proposal of a Method to Select a Power Factor Based on P-V curves --, Yasuaki Yamada, Toshiya Nanahara, Kazuto Yukita, IEEJ Transaction on Power and Energy, 143( 9), 524- 531, Sep. 1, 2023, 10.1541/ieejpes.143.524,
No. | Title, Author, Journal, Vol( No), Start Page- End Page, Date of publication, URL
1 | System Frequency, NANAHARA T., INOUE T., The Journal of the Institute, 25( 10), 792- 795, 2005,
2 | 風力発電の出力変動とその電力系統への影響, 七原俊也, 日本風力エネルギー協会誌,日本風力エネルギー協会, 29( 4), 76- 82, 2005,
3 | 世界および日本における風力発電の普及状況と導入支援制度, 七原俊也, IEEJ Journal, 124( 1), 12- 16, 2004,
4 | Study on Power Fluctauation Characteristics of Wind Energy Converters with Fluctuating Turbine Torque, 高田剛, 片山敬英, 三宅賢稔, 七原俊也, IEEJ Trans. Power Energy, 124( 10), 1231- 1239, 2004,
5 | The Global and Japanese Status of Wind Power and Its Support Program, NANAHARA Toshiya, IEEJ Transactions on Sensors and Micromachines, 124( 1), 12- 16, 2004,
6 | Study on Power Fluctuation Characteristics of Wind Energy Converters with Fluctuating Turbine Torque, TAKATA Go, KATAYAMA Norihide, MIYAKE Masatoshi, NANAHARA Toshiya, IEEJ Transactions on Power and Energy, 124( 10), 1231- 1239, 2004,
7 | 需要家と電気事業のエネルギーをトータルで考える 需要家の特性解明と省エネ新技術 第5章 分散型電源を用いたオンサイトエネルギーシステム, 市川建美, 七原俊也, 斎川路之, 浅野浩志, 今村栄一, 岩堀徹, 電中研レビュー, ( 41), 65- 78, Nov. 29, 2000,
8 | Recent situation of wind power in foreign countries and their impacts on electric power system, 七原俊也, T.IEE Japan, 120-B( 3), 321- 324, 2000,